I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say to me this morning: “Speak to my creative children ‘Make Your Move!’” We are anointed creators of new ideas, inventions, plans, or other things that can potentially impact the world corporately in a meaningful or historical way while at the same time bless us personally.
Abba God is a Creator, and therefore, so are we Creators!
There may have been a thought that flashed in your mind, a passion in your heart, or a pulling in your spirit that revealed a book, a building, a company, a product or any item that has yet to be released in the earth. Well, I have news for you: It was not a fleeting thought or feeling; it was DaddyGod’s conception of, with the intent of birthing out, a brand new thing to be discovered and/or created through you. The wind of His creative force is blowing fiercely through you and I – His royal sons and daughters. You may be reading this and thinking: Who me, create something? Yes, DaddyGod is speaking directly to you – His intelligent creative child who was born to showcase His wisdom and glory in the earth.
This past weekend, I performed DaddyGod’s command as I finally stopped to edit my book manuscript that He’d inspired me to write back in 2002. Instead of enjoying our beautiful 80+ degree weather we had in the Washington, DC metro area this weekend, I remained home sitting at my iMac desktop computer from sunrise to sunset on Saturday and Sunday editing my unreleased manuscript that I’d procrastinated on for too long. I made my move as His bestselling creative author this weekend and it felt great! I realized that as long as I hold up the book from publication, the longer I’m holding up from blessing my readers as well as myself.
I’ve made my creative move.
Now, what about you?
Where has DaddyGod asked you to go? What has DaddyGod inspired you to do? When was the last time you resumed working on the last project you began but pushed aside?
My Royal Kingdom Siblings,
it’s time to make your creative move!
DaddyGod have need of you and the thing He is trying to create through you. Through His love, wisdom and power, you are an intelligently successful creative being, not a stagnant purposeless one. Shake off every weight in your life that is holding you down and get moving immediately towards creating the next big thing that will positively influence the world, divinely bring DaddyGod glory and abundantly bless you! His undeniable promise is that you’ll have more than enough on earth as it is in heaven. The fulfillment of His promise to do so is through your creations. It is His desire for His children to prosper. He has given us the tools to do so. The prosperity of wealth to carry you and future generations is in our hearts and hands. DaddyGod has done His part; we must now do our’s!
As The Daughter of Christ, I finally “got” DaddyGod’s message to act like the creator that I am. My prayer is that if you haven’t already, you will get His creator message too.
I love you and am praying for you. Thank you for joining me on this inspirational blogging journey. I prophetically speak great success into your life in every endeavor that you pursue according to the will of God, by the design of God and for the glory of God.
You are His Royal Creator and it’s high time to let the world not just merely know, but surely experience exactly who you are! Somebody shout along with me – Hallelujah!
Loving DaddyGod & You,
Your Royal Kingdom Sister
Prophetess Darnella
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