“Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits:”
– Psalms 103:1-2
Growing up as a little “church girl,” one of my absolutely favorite congregational songs we’d sing during service was inspired by Psalms 103:1-2: “I will bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me, I’ll bless His holy name!” Hallelujah, glory to God – I can feel His powerful anointing as I type and sing this praise song to myself right now. The Holy Spirit led me to read Psalms 103 this morning; beyond verse 1 of this Scripture that I’ve always tended to focus on the most, it was verse 2 that really stood out and ministered to me so powerfully today: “And forget not all His benefits…”
The presence of DaddyGod consumed me and He, as Father, spoke directly to me saying: “My Daughter Darnella, I want to remind you today to grab ahold of, believe Me for, and wholeheartedly accept ALL of My benefits available to you. There are some benefits that you haven’t even tapped into nor have yet to learn of. There are some secret benefits not written that can only be found in My presence. You are a child of divine privilege: Learn it, receive it, accept it and walk in it.” When Abba concluded speaking, all I could say was wow! I began to thank and praise Him for ALL His benefits available to me as His beloved child. Moreover, I began to immediately endeavor to pursue DaddyGod even more passionately and frequently than I’d ever done, so that I’m able to clearly hear the secrets of His heart loaded with natural, spiritual, emotional, financial, and familial benefits that are transferable to mine.
I believe this Message from DaddyGod was not only for me personally, but for all of us as Sons and Daughters of God, as well. You and I have bountiful divine benefits at our disposal just waiting to be used that will not only bless our lives and souls, but all those around us as well. Just because a benefit is made available to us doesn’t mean we’re taking advantage or making use of the benefit. This is what my Lord was bringing to my attention. He loves you and I so much, that He doesn’t want us to miss out on anything that He has provided exclusively to His own.
What a mighty God we serve! I will bless the Lord and forget not ALL (every last one of) His benefits!
Loving Abba & You Always,
Your Royal Sister Darnella
P.S. Mark your calendar now and plan to join me April 26-28, 2013 at the Westin Tysons Corner hotel in the Washington, DC metropolitan area of Northern VA for a loving God-time amongst Kingdom Family where Abba’s presence shall reign supreme. Something powerful happens when God’s children come together for fellowship with no self-agenda, but only for God’s prophetic plan. An entire weekend in Abba’s pure presence amongst God-loving Royal Siblings… Selah! Registration information will post soon.