On Saturday, April 27, 2013, at my annual gathering of The Sons & Daughters of Christ, I am so honored and humbled to announce that after having been spiritually ordained by God Himself, I’ve been naturally affirmed Prophetess Darnella by The Daughters of Christ, Inc.’s National Chaplain, Pastor Gwen Sutton, of Christian International Network Ministries (aka “CI”) along with my parents, Elder Horace L. Owens and Minister Pearl G. Sharpe. I’m so blessed to have been handpicked by Abba God to be one of His end time Spokespersons and visionary seers at such a pivotal time as this.
After launching and serving in evangelistic ministry with an apostolic/prophetic anointing as The Daughter of Christ since 2002, DaddyGod instructed/released me in 2010 to walk into His (not man’s) Office of the Prophet. It took me two years to accept the call as I knew it was a season yet to come as opposed to the “now” due to the need for more personal and spiritual preparation in my life. I’ve always been one to wait to hear from DaddyGod with clarity before proceeding forward: I find that when I do, I and/or my personal or ministry endeavors then always have great success for it is He, not I, in pursuit.
I want to thank all of my family, natural and spiritual, who joined me for The Sons & Daughters of Christ Founders Weekend 2013, and thereby surrounded me during this momentous event in my life in ministry. There was an abundant outpouring of Abba’s Love, power and blessings during the planning as well as throughout the entire weekend. My DsOC Royal Soarors and SsOC Royal Brothers alike were impacted in a Kingdom-minded way thereby leaving The Westin Tysons Corner hotel as greater inspired and prepared influencers for our Heavenly Father through the Lord Jesus Christ before they arrived. I extend a special thank you to: our National Director of Events, Min. Sharon Burton, along with her dedicated/hardworking planning and audio tech team; our FW13 Speakers Pastor Gwen Sutton and Pastor Paul Dorsey; our financial sponsors or service/entertainment providers to include Tim Stanfill (CEO of www.TestimonyTV.com), Zumba instructor Shelia Smith, Gospel Artists Sonny Rivera who traveled from New York City and D.C.’s own Outreach 24/7 (who both turned our Celebration Banquet out with their musical talent and anointing), Dance Choreographer Darnaya Darice, Jamie Holmes (CEO of To God Be The Glamor Fashions) and all who served to make our event a successful one. From the bottom of my heart and the depth of my soul – I thank and appreciate each of you!
The affirmation and celebration is complete: Now it’s time for me to get back in the field to win/bring Abba’s lost creation back home to Him, unify and empower my Royal Kingdom Siblings who already are, and prophetically tell the world in the spirit of God-Love, beauty of holiness, righteousness and Truth (as my late Apostle Mom Dr. Betty P. Peebles would often say) “what hath God said about it?!”
Loving Abba & You Always,
Your Kingdom Sister
Prophetess Darnella
Prophet Marquez Griffin
(Founder of Kingdom Mentorship)
Tanya Blount
(Founder of The I Am Beautiful Corporation)