“I am the Lord your God and there is no other!”
~ Isaish 45:5LISTEN BY AUDIO

When the Holy Spirit wrote this blog through me, I’d just returned from a glorious lunch hour of Soaking Prayer with my Beloved which is one of my favorite spiritual disciplines. I approached my desk to resume working when the Holy Spirit clearly spoke, “tell the world your DaddyGod reigns supreme.” Here is His further revelation spoken to me for you & I . . .
“Serve only the Lord your God.
Respect him, keep his commands, and obey him.
Serve him and be loyal to him.”
~Deuteronomy 13:4
You, my beloved Royal Children, live in a world where false gods are being ignorantly received, obeyed and worshipped. People are seeking a savior, a fix, a healing, but are looking in the wrong places or persons due to deception to find the one and only Savior, Fixer and/or Healer Who is Me! The farther they travel this dangerous road, the deeper they fall into misery or depression that most medicines can’t heal nor soothe. The father of lies, satan himself, is prodding world leaders, governmental and spiritual, to take “Me,” the Creator God, out of the equation of earthly life by removing My powerful name “Jesus” or while commanding you to not speak of Me, God, at all). Non-believers want to shut down and snuff out My cry for soul salvation from sin and death which ultimately leads to the gift of eternal life. Yet I am the Lord God Who reigns supreme over Heaven and earth! I am the Lord God Whose light cannot and will not be dimmed by mere mortal man who I have the ability to snuff out at will. Most people don’t know My superiority while many others are simply disobediently rejecting it. This is why I called and raised you up, my Royal Sons & Daughters, for such a time as this.
“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. …that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou has sent me.’
~ John 17:20, 22-23
The time is NOW for you, the Sons & Daughters of Christ who bear my Name, to tell, to show, to declare to this temporary sinful world Who I permanently AM! Shout the voice of triumph from the north, south, east and west: “Jesus is His Name! Jesus is the Lord! Jesus is the Answer! We declare with power, confidence, boldness and proudness that our Heavenly Father, the Creator God of heaven and earth, REIGNS! Our God REIGNS, therefore, we REIGN too!”
My Royal Kingdom Siblings, Jew and gentile, DaddyGod has provided us with His key to winning the world. It is up to us to use the key moreso now than ever before to do so! It is time for the world to know not just merely through our words, but also demonstratively through His power operating through us, in the form of the gifts of the Spirit, when we lay hands on and pray to save the lost, heal the sick, raise the dead, open blind eyes and so much more!
Political correctness is for the birds (oops, I meant the world). Declaring the life-changing Name of our Lord is for us eagles in His Kingdom! Which one are you?
In His Love,
The post DADDYGOD REIGNS SUPREME appeared first on Prophetess Darnella - The Daughter of Christ.