During my drive into work today, the Holy Spirit shifted me, while driving, into Prophetic Prayer mode for our Kingdom Family, our households, our covenant relationships, our President/Governmental Leadership, and our nation. As we enter the New Year 2016 (according to man’s calendar, because according to the Jewish (God’s) timetable the New Year came and went in September – IJS), we, The Sons & Daughters of God, need to remain under His Blood and empower others to do so as well as there will not only be an acceleration of blessings for us (the Kingdom), but also of justice in the land. Last year 3 days after the New Year, my maternal family went from rejoicing (2015) to mourning my eldest niece’s transition to glory: That quickly, we shifted from dancing to crying. But God! I heard the Lord say this morning, this same New Year pattern is going to hit our nation. My Royal Siblings, it is #praying and #soaking time with/before our God. I personally am excited about January 2016 as I expect many Prophetic Promises of God for my life to be released, yet I am also spiritually vigilant as I know that whatever God releases for me, it is also in many ways for you because I’m not my own – I, #TheDaughterofChrist aka #HisLoveEvang , belong to Him so my life as His Distributor is for the world to see my DaddyGod’s glory through me. I’m going into my #SoakingPrayer chamber as instructed by God for the next 3 days. I can’t wait to share with you what He reveals.
God-Love & Praying For You Always,
P.S. If you would like for me to call your name out in my personal prophetic prayers during this time period, feel free to comment below and I will obediently do so. Will you all keep me uplifted too?
The post Prophetic Prayer Mode appeared first on Prophetess Darnella - The Daughter of Christ.