When was the last time you had a good ‘ole wailing, sobbing or cleansing cry whether in pain or in praise? The type of cry that David was referring to in Psalm 6:6 when he said, “I am worn out from sobbing. All night I flood my bed with weeping, drenching it with my tears.” The tears can flow so violently as a result of pain inflicted from life and/or so overwhelmingly in the midst of praise showered from the spirit of God. In fact, there are times when these two abundant tears will flow simultaneously draining every ounce of bodily and emotional strength you have and leaving you with only one recourse: To weakly lay down to soak in the loving, comforting, and faithful arms of a Heavenly Father who knows just how to mend and revive a broken heart to raise you up stronger than you’ve ever been before!
My friends scorn me, but I cry out my tears to God.
~ Job 16:20
I call these types of tearful moments in my life as His child, my “cleansing tears.” Through hurt or disappointment from mankind or through praise and thanksgiving to God for just how great He has been to me in spite of my imperfect self, I cry. I cry while knowing that my DaddyGod is keeping track of my sorrows and collecting my tears in His bottle (see Psalm 56:8). I cry with blinded eyes from the tears while begging my DaddyGod for His unfailing help and gracious mercy (see Psalm 88:9). I cry until I’m simply drenched with painful/praiseful tears and totally worn out from sobbing and weeping like David described in Psalm 6:6. But (how many of you know there is always a “but” when a response has to come from what our DaddyGod has spoken concerning your life or a situation as opposed to the opinion of man) according to Isaiah 25:8,
…The Sovereign LORD will wipe away all tears.
He will remove forever all insults and mockery
against his land and people. The LORD has spoken!
My Royal Sibling, can you join me with a shout of Hallelujah!
As many of you know who read my blogs or have walked this journey of ministry along with me since 2002, I’m very transparent with respect to my personal testimony with the hopes that it will help or empower others. Well just last evening, I exercised my cleansing tears which resulted in my blogging about this subject today. I woke up this morning with red and swollen eyes as a result of tears from painful words spoken to me by others on Sunday evening as well as of praise from prophetic Words spoken to me earlier by God through a Senior Pastor during worship service on that same Sunday morning. Isn’t it just like satan to attempt to rob, steal, kill and destroy God’s Words from your heart with his lies? But I thank my DaddyGod for speaking His confirming Message to me first to counteract the one He knew would hit me later in the day from the father of lies. It’s Palm Sunday evening – I’m sitting in my bedroom basking in the presence of God and rejoicing, the telephone rings and I suddenly find myself once again, in life and ministry, going through the motion of cleansing tears that I now realize was powerfully renewing me this “Holy Week.”
DaddyGod, I your weeping Daughter Darnella
continue to thank and yet still praise You
in the midst of, in spite of, and as a result of my tears!
My Royal Siblings always remember, our shed tears, whether through pain or praise, have done you and I a greater good: Along with the washing of the Word spoken personally to us while lying in the wailing presence of our Lord, those same shed tears have actually cleansed us from sin and all of its accompaniments. Moreover, these tears have also refreshed our hearts and souls in preparation for the next phase of our journey towards divine destiny. You see, it’s okay to cry (my Royal Kingdom Brothers this goes for you too) sometimes. It’s great to wipe the tears and get right back up every time!
Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy.
~ Psalm 126:5
Don’t hold back my Royal Siblings, if you need to have a good ‘ole cry, enter your private room or prayer closet and immediately start shedding those healing cleansing tears. While doing so, keep in mind the season in which you’re crying: It’s now springtime for your prophetic purpose and promises from your faithful DaddyGod to suddenly and vibrantly bloom for your benefit as Royal Son or Daughter, the world’s blessing, and above all, His – our King of kings and Lord of lord’s — glory!
Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care. They will walk beside quiet streams and on smooth paths where they will not stumble. For I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is my oldest child.
~ Jeremiah 31:9
Loving Abba & You Always,
Your Royal Kingdom Sister Darnella
P.S. Keep me in your prayers as I prepare to accept Abba’s call (by the way, He released me to two years ago, but I knew there was spiritual work in me that still needed to be done) to the Kingdom Office of Prophetess on April 27, 2013. If I’ve spoken a prophetic Word to you by God and it has manifested, I would love to hear your testimony via audio, video or e-mail at thedaughterofchrist@gmail.com
P.P.S. Join me at my upcoming annual gathering of Sons & Daughters of Christ on April 26-28, 2013 at The Westin Tysons of Northern VA. Click here for registration information or banquet ticket purchasing.