“And now the LORD has fulfilled the promise he made,
for I have become king in my father’s place, and now
I sit on the throne of Israel, just as the LORD promised.
~ 2 Chronicles 6:10
My awesome Royal Siblings, we are abundantly blessed to have the privilege to be uniquely chosen, handpicked and drawn by our Heavenly Father to be called His Sons and Daughters. You and I share His same shed Blood that was shed for the remission of our sins as well as the wholeness of our lives. Along with the plethora of privileges and benefits graciously bestowed upon us as a direct result of being a child of God, is the surety that if DaddyGod promised to do a particular thing for us, then it’s already done! He, our Lord, wouldn’t promise anything that wasn’t in sync with His will for our lives. Therefore, a certain promise made is a definite promise meant to be given by Abba just for you and I!
“And now, O LORD, God of Israel, carry out
the additional promise you made
to your servant David, my father.”
~ 2 Chronicles 6:16
As gracious Father, Abba doesn’t just stop there: He has made us, not just merely one, but additional promises as well. That’s right, we serve a mighty good God who speaks and gives multiple promises to His very own. Each promise is released to us in due season when He knows the timing is perfect for us to receive it and the world to experience it. Your prophetic promise(s) made clearly by God may appear delayed, but I can assure you, my Royal Sibling, it’s not denied. Obedience to and trust in Abba God is the key to ensuring every promise with your specific name on it is manifested in the earth as spoken in heaven.
He prayed, “O LORD, God of Israel,
there is no God like you in all of heaven and earth.
You keep your covenant and show unfailing love
to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion.
You have kept your promise to your servant David, my father.
You made that promise with your own mouth,
and with your own hands you have fulfilled it today.
~ 2 Chronicles 6:14-15
I must address a key point about prophetic promises made expressly by DaddyGod exclusively for you or I: It is He, our Heavenly Father, who made the promise to us. Therefore, it shall be Him, and Him alone, whose hands will bring your personal promise(s) to fulfillment. He may use another human being, including your enemies (how about that?), to hand deliver the promise to you (maybe even on a silver platter), but our Lord is the “Promise Fulfiller” who gets all the glory for every promise fulfilled. I had to make this point because oftentimes we, myself included, are emotionally hurt by people who promised to do or give us something, yet failed to deliver. Unfortunately, this is a true fact of life. Recently, I’ve personally dealt with this similar circumstance myself. But today, as God ministered to me personally while reading 2 Chronicles Chapter 6, I was reminded of who the true Promise Fulfiller is – not my family, my friends, my associates nor my community of believers, but my DaddyGod and He alone! Hallelujah, glory to God! This blessed me and was exactly what I needed today. Talk about a “right now” Word just when you need one the most!
Now, O LORD, God of Israel,
fulfill this promise to your servant David.
~ 2 Chronicles 6:17
I conclude this blog of prophetic promise with a prayer for us all:
May our awesome DaddyGod sustain us with love, wisdom, patience and perseverance as we continue to stand on each and every promise spoken uniquely to each of us by Him. May we continue to allow DaddyGod to clean us up with the beauty of holiness and righteousness for His namesake and through His Word. May He mold us into the loving servant leaders He desires for us to be, and may He prepare us for every miraculous promise presently resting within our hearts, yet soon impacting our lives in a blessed way.
The Sons and Daughters of God are children of promise, born to receive promise in order to release promise to a world that desperately needs a Savior. Jesus is the Promise and Savior Who came not only as the Answer but with the answers too for the world today! It’s now up to each of us to share that same Answer and Promise Fulfiller with others.
Expect your released promise today straight from the heart of DaddyGod just for you!
Loving Abba & You Always,
Your Royal Kingdom Sister
Prophetess-Elect Darnella
P.S. It’s not too late to register to join me for my annual gathering of Kingdom Royal Siblings happening at The Westin Tysons Corner on April 26-28 in the Northern VA area of Washington, DC. Click here for more information, to register or to purchase a banquet ticket for Saturday evening. Registration Deadline is April 15th.